Welcome to JRBSS (ISSN (Online) 2209-7880)
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Journal for Research on Business and Social Science (JRBSS) is an open access and peer-reviewed publication headquartered in Australia. The aim of our Quick Paper Publication journal is to bring to the attention of experts the best quality and latest research in the arena of business and social sciences. Published electronically every month, the journal publishes research in the above-mentioned areas in the forms of original papers, review papers, book reviews, empirical research and scientific models.

How Our Publication Makes a Difference?

Our publication makes a difference by helping researchers publish their research quickly. We are able to expedite the peer review process for researchers who might be in an urgency to publish (e.g., to immediately get their research out in the public interest). Therefore, if you are looking for Quick Paper Publication, then contact the Journal for Research on Business and Social Science (JRBSS).

Further information can be obtained by contacting the Journal at: inquiries@jrbssonline.com
What subjects does this journal cover?
This journal publishes work on business and social sciences.
How can I submit my manuscript?
If you wish to submit a manuscript, please contact the editorial board at editor@jrbssonline.com
Are there any guidelines I should follow?
All works submitted must follow the criteria and guidelines outlined on this website. Please check the pages on Criteria for Submission and Guidelines for Submission for all details.
How long can my article be?
Works cannot exceed 25 pages. This includes the title page, abstract, main text, references, keywords and tables and figures, with Times New Roman size 12 font with single spacing.
Does it cost any money to submit my work to JRBSS?
No, it does not cost money to submit your work. However, if your work is approved for submission, a publication fee of USD 200 must be paid. More details can be found on the page of Criteria for Submission on this website.
Is there any process of review at this journal?
Yes, the journal has a double blind peer review process. More details can be found on the page of Criteria for Submission on this website.
Does it cost any money to access this journal?
No. The journal is open access.
Where can I buy a hard copy of this journal?
JRBSS is an e-journal or electronic journal. It is published solely online and no hard copies are published or distributed.
How often is this journal published?
Once a month.
Can I submit more than one piece of work for consideration?
Yes, authors can submit multiple pieces of work for consideration.
Who owns the copyright to my submitted work?
Authors of the work own the copyright, while granting rights to the Journal for Research on Business and Social Science to the first to publish. More details can be found on the page of Criteria for Submission on this website.
If I have any more questions, how can I reach the journal?
Please contact us at inquiries@jrbssonline.com