- Title of Submitted Work in brief and without abbreviations or acronyms
- Names and Affiliation of Author or Authors
- Full postal address of authors’ affiliated institutions, including any location where original research pertaining to the submitted work was performed
- All contact information of all authors including postal address, phone number and email IDs
- Name and complete contact information of one corresponding author who will act as the focal point of communication with the Journal.
- Names and details of any entity that has supported or sponsored the research presented in the work.
Following the abstract are a set of keywords to be submitted by the authors. Authors are advised to submit no more than eight keywords and not include plurals or complex or multiple concepts in the keywords.
In case your work contains any tables, figures or graphs, you are advised that they be presented within the body of the main text. Please do not submit them separately.
The main text, including figures, tables or graphs, must be formatted according to the APA style.
Authors are advised to adhere exactly to the APA style of citations for their references. The complete details of this style of formatting can be found here.
It is important that authors ensure that all references cited in the main text of their submitted work be reflected in the list of references. All references appearing in the list of references at the end, must also appear in the body of the main text. In case you wish to use any unpublished material or personal communications, they must not be cited in the list of references. If any of the aforementioned unpublished material are about to be published, they can be cited as ‘in press’. 1
When ordering your list of references, please order then first alphabetically and then chronologically.
If your submitted work has references to multiple works by the same author in the same year, you can indicate their difference by marking them with ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc. after the publication year.